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Sutton Tennis Academy Mens Indoor SuperSeries (February)
Saturday 19/02/11 To Sunday 27/02/11
Play takes place at the weekends only during the afternoon and evening.
LTA Tournament Grade: 3
LTA Tournament Code: SUR505 (2010W)
Tournament Status: Completed

“SuperSeries” tournaments are four-day competitions consisting of up to 40 players. 16 players take part in a one-day pre-qualifying event on Saturday 19th February. Players winning both matches progress to a qualifying draw on day 2 (20th February) which includes 12 players of higher standard. The 4 players who win both matches qualify for the main draw which takes place on the 2nd weekend (26th and 27th February). At each stage, losers play consolation matches against each other, ensuring two matches for each participant.


The second weekend, features the best 12 players plus the 4 qualifiers from the first weekend. This "Main Draw" Event uses a “compass” draw format offering all players up to FOUR matches each.


Acceptances are based on LTA rating. Players of equal rating are accepted according to LTA ranking. An entry fee is charged for each stage of the tournament in which a player takes part or reaches although players qualifying from any stage of the tournament pays only 50% of the entry fee to the next stage.


Results count towards LTA ratings and the competition is a Grade 3 rankings event. Prize money is paid to the eventual winner and runner-up in the Mens and Ladies Main Draw events.


We welcome your application to the Sutton February Mens Open SuperSeries tournament.


Please note that this competition takes place at weekends only, during the afternoons and evenings (from 3:00pm onwards).

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