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Devonshire Park LTC Open Tournament
Monday 18/08/14 To Saturday 23/08/14
Singles, doubles and mixed doubles events for adults, juniors and mini tennis players, taking place at the Eastbourne International Tennis Centre. Includes Men's 35 & Over event ** This tournament has finished **
LTA Tournament Grade: 3
LTA Tournament Code: SUS14S0152 (2014S)
Tournament Status: Completed
The Eastbourne International Tennis Centre is home to the Devonshire Park Lawn Tennis Club - the venue for tournament tennis since 1881. This year the club has once again pleasure in inviting applications for their grade 3 LTA ratings and rankings tournament running from Monday 18th to Saturday 23rd August.

The club is delighted that the tournament has once again been classified by the LTA as a regional level competition (grade 3) and we are pleased to confirm that Tennis Services UK Limited have been re-appointed to manage the tournament in 2014.

The tournament offers a rare chance for players to take part in matches on some of the top grass courts in the tennis world – play will take place on the same courts used for the AEGON Men's and Ladies professional event in June.The tournament is open to all British Tennis Members and includes singles and doubles events for adult and junior players of all ages and standards, in addition to a Men's 35 & over singles category. A separate 10&U mini-tennis GREEN event will be held from Thursday to Saturday and for the first time in 2014, the mini-orange events will take place on grass too.

We shall also be staging a mini-red (8&U) event, although this will take place at a nearby indoor venue (Eastbourne Sports Park), a few miles away from the main Devonshire Park Club on Wednesday 20th August.

Eastbourne is also one of the UK’s leading seaside towns with many attractions for people of all ages including bars, restaurants, museums, art galleries, castles, parks and gardens, not to mention the world famous Beachy Head, just a few miles from the town centre.

We welcome your application and look forward to seeing you playing at Devonshire Park.




Ken Pollock
Devonshire Park Lawn Tennis Club

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